Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2009 Mission to New Orleans!

Time has passed. The national focus and priorities have shifted. And yet, in New Orleans, there are still people desperate for hope, desperate for help.

Glasgow Church is responding to this call by going - in force and on a mission. This summer, over the course of two weeks, 50 people from Glasgow Church will be going to NOLA to serve. The first team in NOLA from June 27 through July 5. The second group will arrive July 3 and be there until July 11.

Pray that God would use us in amazing ways. As a team, we have committed to memorize Ephesians 3:14-21. In that passage, we read that God is able to do "infinitely more than we ever dare to ask or imagine." We are asking that God will do amazing things - infinitely greater things - than we can even imagine in and through us. Follow this site to see the pictures and read the stories from our trip. And finally, pray for us!

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