Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're Home!!!!!

Well we just arrived home! We are all safe and sound at home. Guess what!? It is 67 degrees here in Delaware. On the plane the pilot said, "We will be arriving in BWI airport shortly. It is 67 degrees and sunny so we should be on time. Thank you!" When he finished, we all gave a good "whoop!" since it had been at least 105 degrees EVERY DAY!

When we got to the church everyone had to say there good-byes. It was hard for us all to split up because we have been a family for a whole week living and laughing with each other. Anna was telling me and I agree that it is going to be weird waking up and not having everyone to say good-morning to, or prepare breakfast with, or say "You snore and you know it!!!!!!!!!!!". I'm defiantly going to miss that. I'm going to miss everyone and everything about them. I hope that even if we are miles apart phisically, that we will stay together as a family in our hearts and minds.

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