Monday, June 16, 2008

The Jeantets

Last summer, Steve and Kim served in NOLA facilitating missions trips with Adventures in Missions. We are so excited to be able to go back and serve. We are privileged to be part of this wonderful team of people God has assembled to be agents of his grace and mercy to this city.

And hey, what a cool way to prepare our son to come into the world than to start teaching him now about God's passion for the lost!


Unknown said...

You two are absolutely amazing. We love you both so much, and we have been so fortunate to have gotten so close to you guys. We respect you and we pray for you all the time. I am so thankful to our Lord that He saw fit to put both of you in our lives. You have affected a change in my wife and myself. We will, by the power given to us by Grace through Faith, pray with all our hearts for the perfect Love of Jesus Christ to continue to shine brilliantly in the dark world that has become New Orleans. In the wake of such a tragic accident, the Lord is sending His top soldiers down to rebuild His Kingdom and call lost souls back the the mercy of His arms. Grace and Peace to you, Jeantet Family...all three of you, as you embark on yet another adventure.

Anonymous said...

Steve, we definitely need to get out of town.........Maybe the Phillies will start winning again!!