Monday, June 16, 2008

Bob, Kathryn and Eli Umberger

Our trip to New Orleans is now under 2 weeks away. Please be praying for us as we make final preparations. To help you pray for specifically, we'd like to introduce you to our team. Let's start with the Umbergers...

"We felt called as a couple of missions in 2004 and have enjoyed serving the Lord short term in South America and Africa as well as on the missions committee at GRPC. We are excited to take our son, Eli, to NOLA as we hope to pass on our passion for missions."


Unknown said...

You three are so awesome!! The Lord has used you two to bring smiles and comfort to all those you touch...I know this from House Church alone!!! The people in New Orleans are going to be moved by the Lord because He is sending you guys there to do His work. Praise God

Anonymous said...

How's our little buddy, Eli, doing today?

J Lo said...

We hope Eli is feeling better. The Longs are praying that he will be well enough to travel on Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Kathryn, Bob, and Eli,
My prayers for a safe trip and successful week, for you and your team.