Monday, July 13, 2009

Trying to put it into words...

Wow! what a week! I'm still debriefing. Michele, Jesse, Julia, and I are enjoying rest and relaxation with my sister in Baton Rouge. So many things happened this week that I would get carpal tunnel syndrome relaying them all to you. Team two attitude check….PRAISE THE LORD!!! Sorry I digress.

Simply put, God is doing great things in the city of New Orleans. He showed me about his faithfulness in using this broken vessel to share his love with David Guy at Feed the Multitudes on July 4th. I was blessed to be a part of the evangelistic team sharing the gospel with our guests as they ate. David was a unique man with a unique story - a father of 4, a husband to none, addicted to drugs and alcohol. David heard me share of my relationship with Christ to his friend Clinton. The door with Clinton was closed as he rose to go get a haircut, but the Holy Spirit opened David’s heart. I shared why we were in New Orleans. Only because of the grace Christ showed us on the cross we were compelled to share that love with others. After two hours of sharing, soul-searching, crying, and praying, David told me that he knew I was in New Orleans for a reason. I agreed, and told him I thought that reason was so he could know new life in a relationship with Christ. This time we prayed that Christ would invade David's life, change his heart and bring him to forgiveness at the foot of the cross. What an awesome experience to be at the point where someone meets the God of the universe, is humbled, and comes out not turning over a new leaf for the umpteenth time, but becoming a new creation, with a promise of eternal hope!

My stories are many but my time is short, please ask me to share of Sister Josie and of the incredible fellowship with many broken saints at Bethel-Colony. Tired in body, refreshed in spirit the Wallace family returns to Middletown tomorrow. Pray for us, that this experience will not become a snapshot in our lives filed and forgotten, but the beginning of a fluid life, a live action video, listening and responding to Gods call on a daily basis.

Thanks for your support both through prayer and financially.

--Dave Wallace

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