Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Restoring glory to Gloryland

Monday- The first work day began on Monday, & much has been acomplished! We divided the gteam into 3 smaller groups to work on each task. Half of them went to a neighborhood, where they took turns handing out flyers for the Feed the Multidudes free food event on July 4th and painting a bathroom. The other group which I was a part of visited Gloryland Baptist Church. A few bought several sheets of drywall & tools to make repairs in their storage & restroom section. All of us except Bruce, who had volunteered to help fix the microphones & sound equipment, set to work assembling the ceiling. The older men held up the drywall while I drilled in the screws. After a brief lunch break, when we enjoyed Pastor Dunbar's praises to the Lord through the microphone which Bruce had fixed & Hampton's passionate organ playing, we continued with the walls. Their was a skinny horizontal shelf that spanned the length of 1 wall which we had to work around. I cut a small peice of dywall for the right side of the shelf which fit rather well. Then I trimmed another peice which was close to the size I needed but which I ended up having to measure & cut 4 times until it finally squeezed between the gap. We were so thrilled that it fit that we immediately drilled it in place before packing up for the day. We definitely accomplished most of the work that we had started, but there were other jobs remaining which we hadn't even touched. Although their church may not be suitable for use before our departure, I am confident that we have made tremendous progress toward the reunion of Gloryland Baptist Church. We pray that this will happen soon & hope that you will as well. We praise the Good Lord for providing this work & using us as his vessels to be a blessing to those in need!
In Christ,
Ben Springer

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