Thursday, July 2, 2009

Flying FTM (feed the multitiudes) Flyers

As the group of, Elaina, Levi, Ian, Tucker, Marshall, Tom, Becky and Jerry we passed out flyers to people in the Gentilly Ward they we overwhelmed with happiness and joy of hearing of the upcoming event Feed The Multitiudes.

We were going up to people in there houses and they we welcoming us in. We we flagging down people in their cars and they we overjoyed to hear about the event on July 4th. We were so glad to be going out handing out flyers to citizens who were interested. We thank the people who said that they would come.

Also we want everyone to pray for a woman we met named Linda. She was going through a tough time when Katrina hit because her neighbor and her lived in a boat outside of her house. We also want people to pray for her great grandson who just had open heart surgery who is only five years old. So just be praying for them.


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